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A Smooth Ride: Replacing PontaHR’s Styling Framework

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Presenting Along at Web Summit 2022

Introducing our very own HR tool to the world.

Published on November 11, 2022


Roza Zanini MozaraRoza Zanini Mozara

Filed under culture

Along is now officially PontaHR!
Read more about this big change in our blog.

The cat is out of the bag

We have a confession to make - we’ve been keeping a little secret.

Over the past year or so, we’ve been working on a product of our own, a customizable workspace tool for fast-growing companies, named Along. You may be wondering what does that even mean? Let’s roll the tape back a little bit.

The short story of Along

In 2020, when remote work was blowing up, we were in need of a workplace management tool to help us organize our work, and a safe place to keep our internal documents, culture details, etc.

We tried a lot of different tools that might do the trick. Unfortunately, we just couldn’t find the right fit. Some were too complex, some too simple, some charged per employee which was a bit of a bummer for a growing company (expecting to grow even more in the next couple of months). We couldn't find any highly flexible, adaptable tools that can be used by our entire team without breaking the bank.

So we created our own, led by the eternal If you want something done right, do it yourself.

At first, there was the Dashboard - a place for easy tracking of everyone’s availability. Then came our Handbook - to keep all necessary docs & info in one place. Then, the Careers section - with all current and past job listings, applicants, and the possibility to give ratings, write comments, and assigned team members. Finally, the Team - where you can see everybody, and we all have our own profile page.

Over time, the tool grew and we liked it so much that we realized we have a product others might love just as much. While creating something catered to our needs, we built something perfect for companies just like ours – small and medium-sized, with a lot of potential for growth.

With Along, we want to cover the entire employee lifecycle - from hello to goodbye, and everything in between.

Web Summit 2022

So, we’re creating Along. A tool for companies like ours, not too big and not too small. What better place to introduce it to the world than one of the largest tech conferences - Web Summit.

There are various ways to attend the Web Summit, from general attendees, partners, investors, to startups. ALPHA, BETA, and GROWTH are the three startup categories, depending on where you’re currently at with your startup. After applying Along for the ALPHA Startup program, we got in! Hooray! 🥳

Then the time came for all the prep - getting our website ready, applying to various programs for startups, preparing our pitch, designing our merch and business cards, booking a place to stay, buying airplane tickets (twice), etc. Phew, it was a wild ride!

Finally, we arrived at the Web Summit, side by side with more than 70 thousand ambitious people redefining the tech industry. And on the last day of the Web Summit, we got to exhibit at our stand, meet some fantastic people, and gain so much valuable feedback on what we’re building. Our goal was to connect with people whose observations we think will be the most beneficial, and have them sign up to our waitlist, of course. We’re happy to share our expectations and goals were met!

So, should you go?

If you’re a startup and you’re planning on attending the Web Summit, we’d definitely recommend it! Just make sure to get ready a few months ahead. Apply to as many startup programs you can, and try to not miss the deadlines. Think of something cool to stand out with on your stand, make people remember you! Lastly, have fun, engage with people and show interest in what others are creating, you’ll surely find something that tickles your fancy!

It takes some time to prepare, and it can feel a tad overwhelming, but it’s worth it, if anything - for the Pastel de Nata and all the valuable feedback you’ll get.

We’re happy to finally share our secret. Along will be launching in 2023, and if you leave your email here - we’ll give you two months of free usage once it’s up and running.

Bring your team Along! 🧡

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